ABATUAR – MORTANDAD (Dunkelheit Produktionen)

Telling tall, terrible tales of necromantic rituals, death reverence and frenzied bloodletting, Abatuar’s sophomore full-length presents almost half an hour of powerful, pummelling Panamanian Black / Death Metal, where the most despicable beings on the planet get what’s coming to them – at the hands of Cadaver, the merciless, murderous visionary behind this disorientating, uncompromising album.

In keeping with Abatuar’s South American heritage, the lengthy, sentence-long song titles are in the Spanish tongue and they leave little or nothing to the imagination. ‘Perversa psicopatía de infantes homicidas que juegan con sangre y vísceras’ for example, translates as ‘Perverse psychopathy of homicidal infants who play with blood and guts’, while ‘Solo los que han matado entenderán esta sensación, no puedo esperar a estrangular de nuevo’ means ‘Only those who have killed will understand this feeling, I can’t wait to strangle again’.

The sentiments behind ‘Trastorno esquizoide de trisomía sexual XYY con impulsos asesinos y necrofílicos’ and ‘Estrangulamiento de prostitutas callejeras como medio de liberación de la ira y lujuria’ are even darker. In this era of liberty-crushing –isms, Abatuar isn’t going to win over too many fans from the politically correct fraternity.

Brief and to the point, all ten songs are suitably filthy and putrid-sounding, dirty doom and murk delivered with a healthy hint of Grind, ‘Mortadad’ a punishing, remorseless and unforgiving journey through the darkest depths of the human mind. Equal parts Napalm Death, Black Witchery and Necrophagia, this sure is some sick Central American butchery.

Evilometer: 666/666