Hypothermia - SvartkonstSvartkonst’ translates from Swedish to English – very loosely –  as ‘Smartcunts’. I’ve always been a fan of Hypothermia and have collected pretty much all his / their releases on vinyl. However, if I’m being truthful with myself (and why wouldn’t I be?), I’m just collecting them for the sake of it at this stage, to keep the collection going…

The trailblazing depressive Black Metal quotient of old is gone utterly and has been replaced by shit instrumental rock. Pure shit all the way. Rubbish. You’ll find as much Black Metal on a Radiohead or Mumford & Sons album, i.e. none at all.

The transformation from seminal underground act to putrid Do Make Say Think wannabes has been completed. (By the way, I realise Hypothermia doesn’t pretend or aspire to be a Black Metal band. This is not the source of my criticism. My objection isn’t that they’re not Black Metal; it’s that they also happen to be crap.)

Evilometer: 000/666