RUHO – PATHWAYS THROUGH FLESH LP (Final Agony Records / Triumph Of Death)

Ruho - Pathways Through FleshSeven songs; 40 minutes of one-man Black Metal from Finland. Needless to say, I had high expectations for Ruho’s debut full-length and, even though it hasn’t quite met them, ‘Pathways Through Flesh’ is nevertheless a really good record, with some nice deviations and embellished by thought-provoking lyrics about life and death and the meaning(lessness) of it all.

I’m not sure why I don’t love this album. It just lacks a bit of raw, dirty, evil, nastiness or something. But it’s the sort of mild disappointment I can live with and Ruho is undoubtedly still worthy of support.

The closing six-and-a-half-minute instrumental, ‘Tus an Deireadh III’, is supreme and more similar-sounding stuff would be welcome. I will most definitely keep my eyes and ears on his future ventures.

Evilometer: 444/666